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SOTU Festival 2024

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SOTU Festival Lituania

SOTU (Sounds of the Underground) festival for alternative, experimental music and art will take place in Lithuania from 2 till 19 September 2014.

SOTU Festival Lituania (ex. "Vilnius Noise Week")

in previous VNW editions we had:

In 2013, celebrated 100 years of "Art of Noises" manifesto written by Luigi Russolo, had concerts by: FELIX KUBIN (Germany), MARBURG (Poland), ,I O I O I (Italy), ID M THEFT ABLE (Usa), TIESE (Lithuania), ORIGAMI REPLIKA (Norway), FORGET ME NOTS (Lt), AEROBICA (Lt), VDTS (Lt), also discussion about Lithuania experimental music and acoustic laptop workshop by Tore H. Boe (Norway)

In 2012 celebrated 100 years of John Cage with concerts by:
Andrea Pensado (Argentina / Usa), Jelena Glazova (Latvia), vtol (Russia), Re-drum (Russia), Rovar 17 (Hungary), Hassokk (Lt), Outsider (Lt), Devita (Lt), Jacques Gaspard Biberkopf (Lt), Paul Newermind (Lt), DoDo Mundo (Lt), Ai Mo (Lt), Muk, (Lt), Teen Bruises, Shaltmira (Lt).